热门关键词:B-100AP LUYOR-3415RG


作者:生命科学事业部时间:2019-11-07 21:31:21浏览2248 次


尽管最近发展了强大的遗传工具,但荧光蛋白在观赏植物中的应用已经落后了。我们以前创制了转基因蝴蝶草属植物,它可以表达海洋浮游生物中的绿色荧光蛋白 (CpYGFP),其明亮的荧光在整个植物水平很容易被看到,但是在可见光光谱中,这种蛋白质的更大激发需要使用发射滤片来消除激发光。

有了这个GFP,再也不用担心约不到confocal 了

绿色萤光蛋白(Green fluorescent protein,简称GFP),是一个由约238个氨基酸组成的蛋白质,从蓝光到紫外线都能使其激发,发出绿色萤光。虽然许多其他海洋生物也有类似的绿色荧光蛋白,但传统上,绿色荧光蛋白(GFP)指首先从维多利亚多管发光水母中分离的蛋白质。这种蛋白质最早是由下村脩等人在1962年在维多利亚多管发光水母中发现。

11月8日,Scientific Reports 发表了题为:Generation of brilliant green fluorescent petunia plants by using a new and potent fluorescent protein transgene 的论文,文中报道了一个新型GFP 基因,通过肉眼即可看到绿色的荧光。

尽管最近发展了强大的遗传工具,但荧光蛋白在观赏植物中的应用已经落后了。我们以前创制了转基因蝴蝶草属植物,它可以表达海洋浮游生物中的绿色荧光蛋白 (CpYGFP),其明亮的荧光在整个植物水平很容易被看到,但是在可见光光谱中,这种蛋白质的更大激发需要使用发射滤片来消除激发光。本文,为了克服这个限制,我们产生了表达eYGFPuv (一种高强度紫外线灯发出的紫外光激发下表现出明亮荧光的cPYGFP衍生物) 的转基因矮牵牛植物,其具有转录终止子加翻译增强子的新组合。正如预期的那样,所有转基因植物都表现出明亮的绿色荧光,肉眼可见,无需发射发射滤片。此外,转基因矮牵牛花中的荧光在长期无性繁殖过程中是稳定的。最后,我们目测和定量地证实了转基因矮牵牛花对紫外线的长期暴露无任何损伤,如荧光衰减和枯萎。因此,我们的全植物荧光成像工具,不需要高灵敏度的成像设备或特殊的成像条件进行观察,不仅可用于基础植物研究,而且作为一种新颖的花卉特性,可用于观赏目的。


The application of fluorescent proteins in ornamental (装饰的) plants has lagged (落后) behind despite the recent development of powerful genetic tools. Although we previously generated transgenic torenia (蝴蝶草属) plants expressing green fluorescent protein from marine plankton (海洋浮游生物) (CpYGFP), in which bright fluorescence was easily visible at the whole plant level, the maximum excitation (激发) of this protein within the visible light spectrum required the use of a coloured emission filter (发射滤片) to eliminate exciting light (激发光). Here, to overcome this limitation, we generated transgenic petunia (矮牵牛) plants expressing eYGFPuv, a CpYGFP derivative exhibiting bright fluorescence under invisible ultraviolet (UV) light (black light)excitation, with a novel combination of transcriptional terminator plus translational enhancer. As expected, all transgenic plants exhibited brilliant green fluorescence easily visible to the naked eye without an emission filter. In addition, fluorescence expressed in transgenic petunia flowers was stable during long-term vegetative propagation. Finally, we visually and quantitatively confirmed that transgenic petunia flowers resist to long-term exposure of UV without any damages such as fluorescence decay and withering. Thus, our whole-plant fluorescence imaging tool, that does not require high sensitive imaging equipment or special imaging conditions for observation, might be useful not only for basic plant research but also for ornamental purposes as a novel flower property.




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