2024-08-08作者:路阳仪器时间:2022-10-06 21:41:00浏览1520 次
2022年9月重庆医科大学在《Biological Research》发表《Melanoma stem cells promote metastasis via exosomal miR-1268a inactivation of autophagy》文献,文献中实验采用了LUYOR-3415RG便携式双波长荧光蛋白激发光源和LUV-50A荧光观察眼镜观察红色荧光蛋白RFP在小鼠肺部肿瘤细胞的上的表达。
2022年9月重庆医科大学在《Biological Research》发表《Melanoma stem cells promote metastasis via exosomal miR-1268a inactivation of autophagy》文献,文献中实验采用了LUYOR-3415RG便携式双波长荧光蛋白激发光源和LUV-50A荧光观察眼镜观察红色荧光蛋白RFP在小鼠肺部肿瘤细胞的上的表达。
To study the effect of miR-1268a overexpression on OL cells metastasis in vivo, we generated OL cells stably overexpressing miR-1268a via lentiviral infection (Fig. 4J). 5 次 10^{5} OE-NC-OL and OE-miR-1268a-OL cells were injected into NOD/SCID mice via the tail vein, respectively (Sect. “Materials and methods”). All mice were sacrificed at day 35 after tumor cell injection. Since OE-NC-OL and OE-miR-1268a-OL cells were RFP-labeled, macroscopic metastatic foci formed at the lung could be visualize under external fluorescence imaging using LUYOR-3415 Dual Fluorescent Protein Excitation Light Source and LUV-50A Glasses. As shown in Fig. 4K, injected OE-miR-1268a-OL cells produced significantly more macroscopic lung foci than the OE-NC-OL cells (n = 6). Subsequently, H&E analysis was performed on the largest cross-sectional lung sections of the two groups of mice. Statistical analysis showed that there were significantly more microscopic metastatic foci in the lungs of mice treated with OE-miR-1268a-OL cells (The black arrows show the formed metastases) (Fig. 4L). These observations show that miR-1268a can enhance metastatic colonization efficiency of OL cells that are oligometastatic. So far, we have demonstrated that miR-1268a, transferred from OL-SCs-derived exosomes to OL cells, can effectively augment the clonogenic colonization capability of OL cells to give arise to more extensive macroscopic metastases.